Starter for individuals and small business:
* HTML website design up to five pages - client's content and pictures.
* Custom design according to requirements.
* Incorporate own logo and company colors.
* Online Enquiry Form included (online appointments).
* Website optimization and submission to search engines.
* Optional extras, including extra pages, graphics, photography...
Price - $800 CDN
Small business package:
* HTML or Flash website up to fifteen pages - client's content and pictures.
* Custom design according to requirements.
* Incorporate own logo and company colors.
* Website optimization and submission to search engines.
* Online Enquiry Form included (online appointments).
* Online Photo Gallery. Number of pictures is limited.
* One Sound loop web page integration.
Optional extras, including extra pages, graphics, photography...
Price - $1,500 CDN
Promotional package offer:
Small business package advanced (most popular):
* HTML and Flash website (JavaScript if necessary), fifteen pages and up - client's pictures (our own library available) and content.
* Custom design according to requirements.
* Self Content Management system included.
* Content is revised and enhanced by professional writer (not included in promotional package).
* Online Enquiry Form included (online appointments).
* Map design for location page.
* Advanced Photo Gallery. No limit to the number of pictures. Gallery is self managed, no coding knowledge required.
* Streaming video and sound web site integration.
* MP3 player web site integration.
* Website optimization and one month (on 48h rotation) submissions to search engines, directories.
* Web usage statistics.
Price - $2,000 CDN between December 1st / 2008 and January 31st / 2009 - SAVE $500
Regular Price - $2,500 CDN
Advanced Package Bundle:
Includes both internal and external marketing solutions that will attract significant numbers of qualified and motivated new patients.
* HTML and Flash website (JavaScript if necessary), fifteen pages and up - client's pictures plus our own library.
* Custom design according to requirements.
* Your own domain name (www.yourname.com).
* Self Content Management system included.
* Content written by our professional writer.
* Online Enquiry Form included (online appointments).
* Map design for location page.
* Streaming video and sound web site integration.
* MP3 player web site integration.
* Website optimization and six months (on 48h rotation) submissions to search engines, directories.
* Online Newsletter.
* Logo, Letterhead and Envelope Design.
* Photo shoot of your practice (inside and outside).
* Advanced Photo Gallery. No limit to the number of pictures. Gallery is self managed, no coding knowledge required.
* Yellow Pages / Magazine Print Ad Design.
* Streaming video and sound web site integration.
* Web usage statistics.
Package Price - $4,600 CDN
Please contact us for further information.